The Birds & Botanicals Collection

This collection is an on-going project called A-Z Birds & Botanicals in which I depict a bird and botanical species for each letter of the alphabet. The first 10 paintings were exhibited in my solo show Profusion at the Parrot Gallery in Belleville. Since then they have become the subject for a variety of applications such as scarves, notecards, tea towels and throw pillows.

Inspired by 19th century natural history prints, each painting celebrates the diversity in birds in botanicals, and the profusion of details in our natural environment.

“Our world is dense. There are billions of species, and intricate and complex patterns of waves, spots, stripes, and spirals. The profusion of life is mind-boggling. Take a small square section in a garden and observe all the activity—more still under a microscope. Earth is a place of inspiration.” Excerpt from Artist Statement


Backyard Birds Collection


In the Garden Collection